Not your Grandma's skin
February 21, 2013 Overheard in a Ladies Room: Stall 1: "I went on birth control pills to help get rid of my acne." Stall 2: "Did they help?" Stall 1: "Yeah, a lot. But now I've gained 5 pounds and my breasts are sore." Stall 2: "I'd rather be a little chubby with sore boobs than have a face like an uncooked pizza." Stall 1: "Amen to that!." SO last time I scratched the surface on skin changes during menopause. Today I'm going to dig a little deeper and catalog some of the other kinds of skin conditions that can occur aside from sagging and wrinkling skin. Which are bad enough by themselves. In an article I read on DermNet NZ there is a very detailed listing of skin problems that can occur during and after menopause. I'll put the address/link at the end of this talk. Basically, as I said last time, Estrogen appears to affect every system in our bodies, and very much so, the skin - our largest organ/system. E...