We are what we eat. Really.
So back to nutrition and away from the memory loss issues, before I forget what I want to say! Eating well, before, during and after menopause can really make the present and rest of your life better. Even in basic nutrition classes in schools, we are all taught the building blocks of good nutrition. Protein, fiber, vitamins, and recently, antioxidants have been added to the mix. Organic may be better just because the pesticides and hormone additives that commercial growers put in their foods may be harmful down the road in our health. But there are some things that we've always eaten since childhood that are really not that great for us during this time. I'll talk about a few of those today. Refined foods. What, exactly, are these you ask? Well, these are "foods" that have basically been stripped of their nutritive value. The two biggest refined foods we know are sugar and white flour. Two items which just so happen to be in almost every food product we bu...