"Do ya wanna?"
MOTIVATION is a huge behavioral subclass. What makes us do - or not do -something? What makes us want to achieve a goal, learn something new, deviate from our comfort zone? The motivation or the WILLINGNESS, to do so. When you're freshly married or in a new relationship, it's exciting being around that person. The newness of the relationship, the learning about one another, the delight you take in exploring each other. After a while, behaviors get predictable and "things" can get, well, old. You still love one another, but work stress, childcare concerns, maybe even financial responsibilities start to take over your relationships and your time and you just don't devote as much energy to your needs anymore. Sex goes on the back burner and soon you can't remember the last time you "did it." During menopause, when you feel fat, unattractive, flashy and moody, "doing it" is sometimes the very last thing on your mind. But it shouldn't...