Actions, reactions, and results.
Week one post-hypnosis. Eating patterns: changed. Chew more, feel full quicker, pushing the plate away with food still on it. Water consumption: 90 ounces average daily; no soda at all Exercise routine: 6 days last week, 12000 steps daily, weight/strength training x 4 days Weight: 1.5 pound GAIN Motivation: ughghg So, I guess the theory that when you make plans God laughs is true. I've done everything - EVERYTHING - I was supposed to do and still, I gain instead of lose weight. Sososososososososo Frustrating. But, I do feel better not drinking diet soda, I am sleeping an average of 1-2 hours more each night ( so a total of 3-4 now), and I feel stronger physically than I did last week, so yay for that. Maybe the scale is broken? Yeah, that's probably it. I better go to Target today and get a new one ( although I got this one last month, never know!) More....progress(?) to report next time, I hope. Le sigh. Looking for me in my other life? You ca...