Is 60 the new 30? 40?
Here's a #tbt post from February of 2014. I recently saw Christie Brinkley in anew commercial and she looks the same so she is doing something right! Check out this week's edition of People Magazine and you will see an amazing picture of ubermodel Christie Brinkley on the cover, with a article about her and her life inside the mag. This woman is 60 years old and is wearing a bathing suit on the cover of a national magazine and looks like ten million bucks. I know women in their thirties - beautiful women - who don't look as good as she does at 60. I don't want to hear from anyone about air brushing, computer pixal fixation, or anything else negative. This chick looks great! She embodies the notion that if you live healthy, you will look and feel healthy. She is a strong vegetarian/vegan ( something I am not, nor can I ever be) and she is devoted to exercise, taking care of her skin, and generally espousing the happiness dictum : if you feel good, look good, ta...