Sweatin' to the oldies and feeling...old

In my never-ending battle to rid myself of all the menopause and middle-aged weight I've gained, I've been very diligent of late going to the gym.

Here's a disclaimer: I absolutely, positively, without exception HATE exercising. I always have. I don't like to sweat. It makes me feel... gross/dirty/slimy/smelly. And I especially hate sweating in front of other people.

I know...weird. But that's me.


Because it's been drilled into me by every single person - professional and non- that I've spoken to about my weight struggles, I am now becoming a devotee of gym-going. I still hate it, but I recognize I need to do SOMETHING. The fat is not going to magically slough from my a**.  I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and my arms will no longer jiggle like congealed jello. And I'm sick and tired of investing in Spanx.

So...to the gym I go.

Since I hate it so much, I've found I am very anti-social when I am there. I have a headset that is attached to my ipad and my iPod so whenever I am doing something like walking on the treadmill or lifting weights, I can listen to music or watch a tv show and I don't have to...socialize. There are decided cliques at the gym - just like in life - and I do not want to be part of any group of people who compare the amounts they sweat to one another. I don't like competition.

And I know that makes me sound like a complete a**hole and troll. I get that, believe me, I get that.

I have no problem smiling or saying good morning to people I recognize. The very fact I have a headphone on lends itself to a brief smile, wave, or a mouthed hello from the person, which is just about enough for me.

 I told this to my husband, who, himself, is like the Mayor of the gym. When he goes after work every single person there he knows. He stops what he is doing, chats, makes small talk, etc, and then continues on with his workout. It takes me an hour beginning to end. It takes him 90 minutes to 2 hours beginning to end because he stops so much to schmooze. Anway. I told him I just listen to music or watch a show but don't engage in socialties. He was horrified.

Okay, horrified is a little dramatic. What he was, in reality, was thoughtful. And when my husband is thoughtful, you can expect some wisdom to be imparted in a timely fashion.

It was.

He told me he actually likes exercising more now than he ever did because he has so many friends at the gym. He doesn't work out with anyone, like a buddy, so no one is slowing his workout down, and he's not worried about keeping up with anyone else, but's its nice for so many people to smile and encourage him, like he does to them.


I guess I never thought of it that way.

See? Wisdom.

I made myself a promise that this week on the days I go to the gym I will engage. In small talk, in how are you's, in good jobs! Let's see if it makes any kind of difference in my mental attitude toward gyming.

Stay tuned.....


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