Statistics rule the world

Off the flannel sheet wars today for a few sobering statistics.

I found this link recently when I was doing research concerning Menopause, and there were a few surprising entries. You can click on it for yourself to see it in it's entirety - I've copied it to the bottom of this talk - but here's what stood out to me:

1. There are about 37.5 million women reaching or currently in menopause. Whoa! That's some target market!  For all you business people out there, this is a market you should be catering to. Especially since almost every woman on the planet will go through menopause. Put those thinking caps on.

2. The average life expectancy for US women today is 84 years which means that many women spend about 50% of their adult lives post-menopause. Whoa-squared!  We live longer then men do, and now we have to live that length of time alone with our post-menopausal symptoms. Who thought this stuff up?

3. About 75% of menopausal women will have hot flashes. Ya think?! Again, where are all those business people who can come up with ideas to help with this problem? This is 3/4's of a population of people! I really and truly believe that if men had to experience this, a cure would have been found long ago.

4. Women who smoke reach menopause typically 1.5 years earlier than they would if they didn't smoke. Do I really need to expound on this one?  STOP SMOKING, WOMEN!

The more I read and learn about this time in my life, the more discouraged I could potentially become. But since I can LAUGH about a lot of it, I guess I'll be okay in the long run.

Gotta go wash the sweat off the flannel sheets.


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