The Sahara Desert is dry. You don't have to be.

Vaginal Dryness during peri- and post menopause affects a great majority of women. It can make sex uncomfortable, leading to abstinence, make sitting for long periods painful, and can cause burning and discomfort with urination that lead to excoriation and soreness of the vagina.

Vaginal dryness is a symptom of the unbalanced hormones of estrogen, progesterone, and yes, even testosterone, which all go flooey during menopause. Low estrogen and high progesterone cause thinning and dryness of the vaginal walls and a concomitant decrease in natural internal moisture production. This dryness leads to a myriad of complaints from painful intercourse, to red, sore vuvla, and an increase in the potential for yeast and urinary infections.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

If hormone replacement therapy isn't for you, there are other ways to combat this problem. Why do you think KYJelly was invented? KY is a water soluble lubricant, as is Astroglide. When used during sexual intercourse, they can aid in lubricating the area, making it a more pleasurable, and natural feeling act.

There are also Vaginal Moisturizers that can be used regularly. Hey, you moisturize your face and body, don't you? Well, you can moisturize this area too. The two popular ones are Replens and Luvena.

And, if hormone therapy is for you, these will help with the internal production of vaginal secretions to keep you lubed up during sex.

An old standby deserves a mention here. It's a fact that when your body is hydrated, your internal workings are as well. If the lips on your mouth are dry and cracked, it's a good bet the lips on your vagina are as well. Too graphic? Too bad, it's the truth. Keeping yourself hydrated is an excellent way to promote moisture from within. I am a huge proponent of drinking a lot of water all day long. Yes, I do stop after seven p.m. because I don't want to be up all night in the bathroom, but during the day, adding an extra 16-32 ounces is a good rule of thumb, more if you don't take in a lot to begin with.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Whether internally or externally. Believe me, you will be happier.


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