Been a while...

Hey all you menopause's been a while since I last posted. Lots LOTS has happened in my life since we last met. More about that later, but one thing that hasn't changed is I'M STILL IN MENOPAUSE!!!

Okay, it's a little better I have to admit, since I broke down and went on some estrogen drugs last year. It came to the point where I needed to be talked off a ledge between the continuous hot flashes, the upending mood shifts from crying to mania, the non-ending weight gain, and the lack of sleep. After a week in which I was on the Nutrisystem diet and managed to GAIN 6 pounds, I knew something had to give. So. I buckled down, saw my GP and started on low dose estrogen to try and combat some of the symptoms. The flashes stopped, the moods evened out, I still don't sleep ( and probably never will) but the weight kept coming, so much so that now I am officially 35 pounds over the weight limit my heart needs to be healthy at.

This is the reason I've resurrected this blog. I joined the newly opened PLANET FITNESS in my area and am buckling down on diet and exercise to try and stave off anymore menopause weight gain and to try and lose some ( please Jesus -ALL) of the weight I've got packed on since this horrible next phase of my life started three years ago.

Personal accountability is very important to me so blogging about this struggle and hopefully adding some humor to it will keep me motivated.

As before I'll be posting new info I gleam about all aspects of menopause to share and my hope and intent is to make the next girl who has to go through more informed about choices and the issues involved.

Join me on my adventure.....let's see what happens next.


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