My poor heart....

I read an article recently that stated "Postmenopausal women are at greater risk for heart disease, so redirect your diet toward low-fat foods and lower your salt intake — this reduces the risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis."

Great! The one part of my health that has always and - I mean ALWAYS - been good, has been my cardiac status. Resting pulse of 68 and blood pressure that is routinely 90/60. Never a worry, never a care about heart attack, etc. Except now.

Another factor that plays heavily into heart disease in women is weight. I resurrected this blog because I wanted accountability to get rid of the 35 excess pounds my poor heart and knees are carrying around. If post-menopause is now a time where cardiac issues pop up, then this weight needs to be taken out of the equation for good.

For the next few months I am going to stick to a regime of diet and exercise that I'll be documenting and sharing here. Because I know menopausal and post-menopausal weight is a bitch to get rid of, any and all way I discover that helps with this I will share. Promise. I will not be doing fad diets or afflicting myself with exercise bulemia. No. Those days are done...buried...hasta luego! It's all about health now. Looking good is a secondary goal - hopefully one attainable - but I'd rather be a size 12 and live to see my grandkids than a size 4 and look good in my premature coffin. Agree? Disagree?

If you meni-peers (menopause peers) have any suggestions, let's hear them. I'm open to almost anything that is not going to kill me.


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