Hair today....gone tomorrow?

I was taking a shower a few months back and after I'd washed then conditioned my mid-back length hair, I was  ready to clean the tub when I noticed a small animal circling the drain. I think I screamed. I know I jumped because I dropped the shower cleaning bottle on the rodent - which is what I assumed it was. Only, after a moment I realized rodents aren't champagne blonde in color, are they?  No, they are more of a deep silvery gray. Petrified, I also realized it wasn't moving, so I did - into action. Armed with the spray solution bottle poised as a "gun" with the nozzle pointed at the inert mammal, I bent into the tub and gave it a shove with the bottle head. It didn't move, but it did sort of stick to the plastic nozzle. It was then I realized it wasn't a dead or drowned mouse, but a clump - a huge clump - of my own hair.

An immediate flashback clouded my vision as I stood there, naked and dripping, leaning into the tub. About 12 years ago I'd contracted a really weird virus. Weird because it couldn't be isolated - and believe me, my docs poked and prodded  and took enough blood that they should have found something - and the underlying symptom that did the most damage was 75% of my hair fell out. In clumps, like a chemo victim.

When I saw that champagne colored mass, wet and inactive sitting at the drain, I got scared just as I had those dozen years before. I mean, really...who loses their hair twice in a lifetime??

Since I was a little older ( okay, a lot) and a little wiser ( okay, less actually) I dried myself off, put my pj's on and ran to my computer. I googled hair loss in women in their 50's and got dozens upon dozens of hits. I isolated the medical ones ( I really didn't want to comb through ads and learn about androgen pills to increase male vim and vigor, and women's hair production) and especially the ones that linked hair loss to menopause.

Yippie. Another wonderful symptom to contend with during this lovely time ( cue the sarcasm): hair loss. And not just on the head. Oh no, menopausal hair loss is non-disciminatory hair loss. Any body part is given equal access to falling out and fading follicles.

 So, here's a little of what I learned:
- the imbalance in  hormone levels during this time can lead to hair loss referred to as hormonal pattern loss on the head hair, the pubic hair and armpit hair.
- concordantly, you may also sprout hair on your face or chin. Lovely. Lose it where it counts, get it where it doesn't.

You can battle against the hair loss, though, something that gave me reassurance. A few articles I researched stated the following as preventative or palliative measures:
- try to keep stress levels down by exercising frequently and deep breathing. Stress, apparently, adds to the hair loss. Who knew?
- make sure your diet is loaded with low saturated fats. Whole grains, mono-saturated oils, fruits and veggies, plus incorporating Vitamin B6 into your diet can help restore any loss you've experienced. Essential fatty acids pay a role in maintaining the health of hair, so eat salmon, tuna, almonds and walnuts as well.
- Keep hydrated with water. Not coffee, tea, diet soda or juice. Water. H2O. Clear, odorless, good-for-you water.
- Wash your hair with gentle cleaners and conditioners, not harsh ones. And that old saw of lather-rinse-repeat? No-no. Big no-no. Lather and rinse and condition. That's the way to go. Unless you're doing a MUDRELLA race, your hair isn't going to get that dirty, even if you don't  wash it everyday. Be gentle with it. And that means not blow-drying it with 2000 degree heat every day and/or straightening/curling/dying it at every possible turn.
- some medicines can cause temporary hair loss, so talk to your MD/GP about any meds you are on that might have hair loss as a side effect.

Now, months later, my hair looks great. Yes, I still get it dyed ( I'm not having a head of white hair at 55) but I take care of it way better than I did in the past. It is thick, healthy and I love it!

Vanity, thy name is Peggy.


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