Is it Menopause or Adolescence all over again??

Remember when you were about 14 years old and whenever your parents looked at you you'd either:
a. fall into a tear streaming crisis
b. scream at them to leave you alone
c. want to curl up into a ball and hide
or, d. want to run away from home?

If you do, then you know how it feels to be in the moodaltering era of menopause.
Yesterday I went postal on a telemarketer. Instead of simply hanging up like I usually do, I actually cut the woman off mid-schpeal and started demanding to know how she got my number, who did she think she was calling me when she didn't even know me, and I ended by telling her to get a real job and leave innocent people alone.
The woman was calling from the Susan Koman Center for Breast Cancer research.
When I scraped myself off the floor after landing there when I hung up the phone, I dried my voluminous tears, took a deep breath and said a prayer for forgiveness, vowing if the foundation ever called me again I'd make a sizable donation.
I'm beginning to really see a resemblance between being an angst-ridden teenager and a mood melting menopausal chick.
And I'm not
happy about it.


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