A final word about skin

All month I've been complaining, er, blogging, about the changes that Menopause wrecks on our skin, so I figured one more post for the month and I'd be done with this topic. Like, seriously done.

The End.


In all the research I've done on-line, in speaking to skin care experts, and even in barraging my own derm-guy with questions, the two most important pieces of advice I've heard over and over and over again about care, maintenance, and protection of your skin at any age is:

1. Sun block, and
2. Hydration

From the age of 6 months old we should start skin protection when out doors.

Every major skin care manufacturer now has a sun protection line, and many of their products include  an SPF protection/additive in productions like daily body lotion and makeup.

 Johnson and Johnson's Waterbabies products are excellent for children who are outdoors, swimming, sweating, etc.

Protect their skin when they are young and your children will be thrilled when they get older. My daughter is almost 30 and looks 20! Plus, they will be healthier and the risk of skin cancers will decrease. And don't forget to reapply often when outside, esp. on hot and sweaty days, or if swimming. Slather that stuff on!

That old saw about drinking 8 glasses of water a day is true.

Nowadays, we have busy and active lifestyles and we tend to take in our hydration/liquids in the forms of Venti caramel lattes and BigGulps. Not good, people! Water is the best hydration liquid - pure, simple H20. Not flavored, not adulterated, not with sixty different additives. Plain H2O is best. First, last, always.

Now I can hear those of you saying I can't drink 64 ounces of water a day; or those that complain about water bottles polluting the planet. Well, I get the second one, for sure. That's why I have a reusable glass bottle I fill up all day long and drink from. Excuse number 1 doesn't fly with me because if you're drinking 2 designer 20 ounce cups of coffee every morning, and then a 20 ounce bottle of soda at lunch, you're already drinking 60 ounces before the afternoon. Suck it up and change one of those coffees to water, and throw out the soda and replace it with something that doesn't have the chemical composition to remove stains from toilet porcelain instead. Don't believe me? If you've got any soda in your house, take a 20 ounce bottle and empty it into a dirty, scale-y toilet bowl. Wait an hour. Flush and see how clean your porcelain is. Need proof without doing that? There are dozens of You-Tube videos on using soda as a toilet bowl cleaner.  Moral of this story? Drink water. It's best for hydration and the more hydrated you are on the inside, the more hydrated your skin is. Hydrated skin is glowing, healthy skin.

Sorry for sounding so preachy, but water truly is best!
So, that's my final word ( or a couple hundred of them!) about skin care and protection during menopause!
Now I have to come up with a topic for next month...stay tuned.

When I'm not writing about Menopause, I'm writing about Romance. You can find me talking the talk about all things love and romance related here: Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triber// Book Me
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  1. Excellent advice on both counts. In order to remember to drink the necessary water I fill a large jug with water (from the tap) in the morning and it needs to be empty by supper time. (The evening deadline is to lessen the need for nocturnal visits to the toilet.) As far as future topics, have you covered lack of good sleep? Honestly, so many of the other symptoms would be more endurable if I could only sleep through the night!

    1. Funny you should ask: http://momentsfrommenopause.blogspot.com/2015/09/insomnia-isnt-for-sissies.html



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